Saturday, March 1, 2014

Winter 2014 Newsletter

Thank you for being a loyal George's Pharmacy customer.

 We want to wish you a Happy, Healthy New Year.  All of us at George's Pharmacy want to thank you for your patronage, and we look forward to assisting you with your health care needs in the coming year. May you have a happy, healthy and prosperous new year.

Congratulations to Our iPad Mini Sweepstakes Winner!

Richard E. was drawn as our iPad Mini winner. Pictured above is Richard, his lovely wife and our pharmacist, Greg Serocki. 

Exercise For Longer Life

If you are over 40 and not active, here's another reason to get moving. Physical activity, especially after age 40, has been found to increase lifespan between 2 and 7 years. Exercise such as brisk walking for 1-1/4 hours per week, adds 1.8 years of life. More vigorous activity, like walking 7 hours a week, added 4.5 years. 

Diet Tip: Black Tea & Diabetes

Drinking black tea may help lower the risk of type 2 diabetes. Researchers received data from 50 countries and found that the incidence of diabetes was lowest in countries where people drank the most black tea. This does not prove a cause-and-effect relationship, only that there is an association between black tea consumption and lower rates of diabetes. The results confirm previous research on the health benefits of black tea and its effect on diabetes and obesity risk. Black tea contains many complex flavonoids, and the brewing process helps to release them.

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