Sunday, March 31, 2013

Lose Weight with Simple Changes

Simple changes can make a big difference when it comes to your weight.
In fact, weight gain and the inability to lose weight can be attributed to eating too fast, not eating enough vegetables or simply not moving your body enough.

Eating too Fast Can Add Unwanted Pounds
It takes 20 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain you are full. When you eat too quickly, you've often overeaten. Take smaller bites, chew food longer, and put down utensils between mouthfuls. These simple changes will help you feel fuller on fewer calories, and can help with weight loss.

Eat More Veggies
Vegetables and fruits are high in water which helps us feel full faster. They are also naturally fibrous and help cleanse our bodies of build-up of indigestible items, toxic byproducts and can help you lose weight quickly. 

Get Up and Move
Moving your body doesn't mean trying the most popular new insane workout. These are hard work, and nearly impossible to maintain unless you are a natural body-builder. Instead, incorporate simple movement into your every-day routine.  Get up and walk on a nice day, do chair exercises or lift extra weight as you move around the house. These simple changes can go a long way to getting you in shape and making a difference on the scale.

Weight gain or inability to lose weight could also be a symptom of something more problem-some. Ask your doctor or George's pharmacist if you've made significant changes your excursive and eating habits, have been consistent with thesse change over at least an 8 week period and are still experiencing weight gain or no changes in weight.

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